Friday, 21 November 2014

YouGov profile newspaper readerships + other media

Conal cites this in his vodcast.
With thanks to Conal (who spotted this through Twitter and Instagram accounts/feeds linked to his joint Lady Gaga production before I heard about it through reading the Guardian report the next day!), here's a really useful resource for quickly getting a grasp of the difference between newspaper readerships.

Magazine + newspaper publishers' audience profiles are more accurate (advertisers need to know who they're paying to target!), if not always so detailed as this, but the YouGov data, which takes in some major artists as well as covering a variety of media (such as newspaper readerships), is certainly worth a look.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

OfCom chief: we're in politics; too easy to appeal

The Tories have never been happy with Ed Richards as Chief Executive; he was previously a senior policy adviser to Tony Blair and, later, Gordon Brown, and is viewed with suspicion by them as a Labour 'placeman'. Media regulation is meant to be non-partisan (above party politics), but since assuming office in 2010, the Tory-led coalition have overseen a number of Conservative Party members being moved into senior regulatory posts, not least at the BBC.

You can find links to, and brief analysis of the contrast between, several Mail/Guardian articles below on Richards stepping down from his OfCom role at the end of 2014.
His appearance before the House of Lords communications committee highlighted some useful/interesting points...

OfCom is a quango - theoretically independent from government, although government can set the parameters it operates within (the formally independent BBC is highly dependent on government who set the license fee - or even threaten to scrap it altogether!)

Friday, 7 November 2014

Nov2014: Impress to rival IPSO, Guardian/Indie/FT in neither

Greenslade: unconvinced by 'new' regulator IPSO
A quick catch-up on the on-going post-Leveson mess that is press regulation (or perhaps more accurately Media Guardian articles:
the on-going absence of press regulation), with reference to three recent
  1. "Press regulation déjà vu: 'new' Ipso and the old PCC resemble each other" (Roy Greenslade);
  2. "Walter Merricks appointed chair of new independent monitor for the press" (Joshua Rozenberg, law expert);
  3. "Commission refuses to register press regulation funder as a charity" (Greenslade2).
Lets start with this from Greenslade2:
An attempt to create a charity to fund the independent press regulator Impress has been rejected. The Charity Commission refused to register an organisation called the Independent Press Regulation Trust (IPRT).