...an alliterative means of raising the issue of arrests, prosecutions and jail terms for tweets and other social network postings!
As many have flagged up, it is arguable that Leveson's lengthy report is rendered farcical and pointless as it essentially pretends the press remains a print medium, ignoring the wider, wilder web. Some incredible cases have been nrought to court offering up a more chilling restriction on the freedom of speech that any of the mild press regulation reforms mooted and hysterically condemned in much of the press, but with comparatively little comment.
Today saw a key announcement by a judge fed up at spurious cases reaching the courts thanks to over-zealous police and CPS. It seeks to tighten up definitions of what is/isn't criminal on Twitter etc - though could still be seen as a frightening restriction on freedoms within a supposedly democratic society. Judge for yourself: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/dec/19/twitter-facebook-jokers-prosecution.
Resources and analysis on the topic of media regulation, particularly for the A2 Media exam, Section B. Major case studies include the film industry, music video and the press, with major players such as Murdoch, OfCom and the government considered. If using materials from this blog, please credit the source - Dave Burrowes, Media Studies @ St George's School
Exam date
Some key posts and resources
- 2019 and earlier IPSO cases
- 2021 overview
- BBFC historic bans, subjective judgement?
- BBFC Human Centipede 2
- BBFC overview essay style writing
- BBFC overview with vids
- BBFC U/PG cases Postman Pat--Paddington--Watership Down
- Daily Mail IPSO google
- EU press flak
- IPSO arbitration fines scheme
- IPSO children rulings
- IPSO PCC arguments FOR
- Murdoch flak/conc of ownership
- MUSIC RACISM drill musicians criminalised
- Press reg history (website)
- Privacy 2018 summary
- Social media alt to IPSO?
- Social media as alt reg/FAANGS power up to early 2019
- StopFundingHate
- Tabloid Corrections
- Telegraph libel payout AFTER IPSO ruling unsatisfactory
- The Rock Daily Star Insta